slow time is an exploration into the stillness that is almost always experienced after periods of chaos. Unless time is made intentionally to rest, circumstances beyond our control can literally force us into a period of stillness. These moments can be viewed as bookends to a cycle, a transitional period that brings with it a mental clarity and silence that can only result from stopping.

Loss reconnects us to stillness. Moments of clarity follow expulsions of emotion, rarely in a linear manner. The world happens around us regardless of when we do experience these moments, leaving us feeling disconnected from the momentum of daily life and craving stillness.

In this way it’s similar to water.

There is a duality to water. It's one of the most permanent parts of our planet, while continuously transitioning states in an infinite cycle. Water is a mirror, amplifying its surroundings, lying dormant until disrupted. There's a powerful connection between this and the cyclical stillness we experience as humans. Endlessly building up to an absolute point of tension and an inevitable emotional release. They are integral parts of natural cycles and will always be there, yet both remain in constant flux.


slow time III (2021)


public screen printing (2020 - ongoing)